The complete English and Chinese translations of Ajahn Chah's teachings are now available at Pustaka Nalanda.
On Wednesday 5 March, Pustaka Nalanda (Library) received the latest set of Chinese translations on the Teachings of Ajahn Chah, published by Dhammavamsa Publications. The late Venerable Ajahn Chah (1918 – 1992) was a well-known Buddhist teacher in the Thai forest tradition. He gathered around him a large cluster of disciples and students – Thai and foreigners alike – who have since propagated the Dhamma to the far corners of the world.
The Chinese translation of Ajahn Chah’s teachings is most helpful and beneficial to the Mandarin-speaking community to learn the wisdom of the Buddhist forest tradition. We are grateful to Dhammavamsa Publications for producing this invaluable series, all generous sponsors of the books, Bro. Ming Wei, Bro. Kenny, and everyone involved in this noble endeavor. Sadhu anumodana!
The complete collection of Ajahn Chah’s teachings in both English and Mandarin are now available at Nalanda’s Main Library in Sri Serdang, as well as in our branch libraries in Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. Additional sets of the Chinese translation are also available at Nalanda Centre for free distribution to interested members of the public.