Farewell, dear brother!

Farewell, dear brother!

Nalandian youths at the happy gathering with a lot of love, laughter, and sense of gratitude.

On Friday 8 August, Nalandian youths had a farewell gathering in honour of Nicholas Lee who is leaving for overseas studies.  Youth leaders Bro. Disheng and Sis. Sumana rallied youth members for a heart-warming sharing session where everyone expressed their support for Nicholas and for each other’s future plans.

Bro. Tan, together with Dharma School facilitators Sis. Sugandha, Bro. Choong Li, and Sis. Ruby, also joined in the happy gathering.  Bro. Tan gave a joyful reminiscence about how he first knew the youths when they attended Nalanda Dharma School.  He reminded everyone of the special bond that exists among Nalandian youths with their many years of learning together and genuine friendship.

Bro. Disheng represented the youths in giving Nicholas a farewell gift of Dhamma book.

It was a truly enjoyable gathering with a lot of love, laughter, and sense of gratitude.  We wish Nicholas the best in his studies and future endeavours.  And may he continue to live in accordance to Dhamma, and do us Nalandian youths proud!  All the best to you, dear brother!

Seniors and juniors, brothers and sisters - Nalandian youths and Nalanda Dharma School students.