15th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute Malaysia

15th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute Malaysia

Message by Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia, Achariya Tan Siang Chye

Nalanda Institute has reached another milestone.  Fifteen years is really a relatively short time for an organization to achieve its goals, but Nalanda Institute has managed to serve the Buddhist cause to the best of its abilities through “Education, Development, Propagation”.

Dedicated to educating the community, we are proud to state that as of today, more than 15,000 participants have benefitted from our range of programmes.  These have included the numerous courses in Buddhist & Pali studies, now offered in both English and Mandarin, leadership and management workshops, Sutta studies, educational tours to historical Buddhist sites, as well as the premier Malaysian Buddhist conference – WACANA – where the Sangha and laity gather to discuss pertinent issues that affect the Buddhist movement.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, offering courses on-line would have been the obvious way forward. However, Nalanda Institute recognised that what made us unique was not just the transferring of knowledge, but also the transmitting of Buddhist values and culture in our programmes.  With the relaxation of restrictions on religious gatherings in January 2022, Nalanda Institute promptly and enthusiastically seized the opportunity to return to in-person study of the Buddha’s teachings.

In these 6 months, we completed the BPS 306 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies for a class of 42 new Buddhists, and recently commenced the BPS 104 – Buddhist Course in Mandarin. Nalanda Institute embraced a hybrid approach to the delivery of the courses by an on-line learning platform that enable participants to access materials and content to enhance their learning experience.

All this would not have been possible without the support of our wonderful team of committed teachers and colleagues at Nalanda Institute, from its inception on 1 July 2007 to the present.  Everyone involved had carried out their responsibilities with praiseworthy dedication and enthusiasm, ensuring that our objectives were capably achieved.  We are indeed fortunate to have such a team.  More learning opportunities are being planned and we are focused on offering the Buddhist community further compelling avenues to learn the Buddha’s teachings.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been relentlessly supporting us with resources, time and warm encouragement including the Management of Nalanda Buddhist Society, all donors, sponsors, facilitators and volunteers.  We are grateful for all the support given, and with this confidence in us, we commit to forge pathways to do even better in the future.  May you too rejoice in your good deeds and may the accruing merits provide you with the right conditions to walk the spiritual path.

While we can look back with satisfaction at what we have achieved, let us look forward with enthusiasm to serve the Buddha-Sāsana with greater meaning and purpose.  May the Buddha-Sāsana thrive in the world for the good of all.

With mettā,
Achariya Tan Siang Chye
Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia