2015 Nalanda Award for Dhammaduta

2015 Nalanda Award for Dhammaduta

Felicitations to Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama for his meritorious services to the Buddha-Sasana.

On 2 January 2015, Nalanda Institute Malaysia had the honour of conferring the ‘2015 NALANDA AWARD FOR DHAMMADUTA’ to Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama – a well-known veteran Dhamma-speaker who has given more than 4 decades of excellent and altruistic service to the Buddha-Sasana.

Achariya Vijaya is a very inspiring and respected Buddhist teacher that has inspired many through his humorous and interesting exposition of the Dhamma.  He travels around the world to share the gift of Dhamma in schools, colleges, universities and Buddhist organizations.  He is also a prolific writer and editor of many publications.

We hold Achariya Vijaya’s selfless contribution and compassionate character in high esteem, and worthy of our emulation. We further wish Achariya Vijaya the blessings of a long healthy life, together with the attainment of peace and wisdom. Namo Dhammaya!