“24-hour Metta” – Illuminating the World with Loving-kindness

“24-hour Metta” – Illuminating the World with Loving-kindness

Nalandians feeling joyful and light-hearted after the chanting.

On Saturday 28 December, a group of Nalandians participated in “24-hour Metta – Illuminating the World with Metta” event at Samadhi Vihara, Shah Alam to radiate loving kindness for world peace, stability and harmony.  The Nalandian team was led by Deputy President, Bro Lee Teck Beng.

Nalandians offering light to the Three Jewels and radiating loving-kindness to all beings.

It is truly inspiring to witness Buddhists from all over Malaysia participating in this 24-hour, round-the-clock event in a united spirit to spread goodwill and unconditional love.  We would like to convey our heartfelt appreciation to Aloka Foundation and the Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia for organizing this programme.  Sadhu anumodana!