2nd National Members’ Convention

2nd National Members’ Convention

We welcome all Nalandians 'home' to Nalanda Centre for our 2nd Members' Convention!

Nalanda Buddhist Society members nationwide are invited to participate in the 2nd National Members’ Convention to be held over 4 days starting 31 December 2014.  The theme of this convention is “Towards Transformation – Challenges and Opportunities”.  There will be talks and sharing by teachers and Nalandian leaders on preparing ourselves to meet upcoming tribulations.

Members in Sri Serdang can register for the convention at Nalanda Centre; while branch members can register through your respective Branch Secretaries.  Detailed programme and information are available at the Sri Serdang Management Office.

Let us come together to celebrate the closing of a very productive and fulfilling 2014, and aspire to develop ourselves towards greater well-being come the new year!  Svagatam – Welcome home!