3rd Anniversary of MH370

3rd Anniversary of MH370

MH370 - 3rd Anniversary.

You are not forgotten. Let us continue to dedicate merits to the casualties of MH370.

Today marks the third anniversary of Malaysia Airlines MH370′s mysterious disappearance.  Even after intensive searching, the aircraft has not been located.  Thus, many questions remain unanswered as to the fate of that flight, and its 239 passengers and crew.

For the grieving families missing their loved ones, it must have been an agonizing three years without closure.  We shall continue to lend them our moral support and prayers.  May they have the strength and serenity to carry on with life, as best they can.

We invite you to join us tonight at Nalanda Centre for a simple Remembrance Service for the victims of MH370.  Dedication of merits to the passengers and their family members will be held after tonight’s meditation session and Dhamma talk.  We look forward to everyone’s participation.

All are welcome.


Programme on Wednesday, 8 March 2017

8.00pm – 8.45pm        Meditation Session
8.45pm – 9.45pm        Dhamma talk by Ajahn Buddharakkhita
9.45pm – 10.00pm      Chanting & Dedication of Merits in memory of MH370

Ajahn Buddharakkhita