Joyful Buddha Day Observance

Joyful Buddha Day Observance

This year’s Buddha Day was a joyful observance, as family and friends gathered in peace and devotion to pay homage to our Enlightened Teacher, the Buddha.

On the Full-moon day of Vesakha month this year, visitors from near and far thronged Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang to commemorate the Buddha’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago.  While some came to pay their homage and make offerings at the Main Shrine, many also participated in the educational programmes organised from 8 to 15 May.

In the Eve and Morning Service, we delved deeper into the theme of “Moving Forward with Courage and Hope”.  We learned how it is important for us to know and accept vicissitudes in life in order to better manage the inevitable challenges that we will face.

On Buddha Day Eve, devotees gathered to prepare to welcome the dawn of Buddha Day by calming down our minds and reflecting on Dhamma.

In the Buddha Day Eve Service, Sis Paru advised us that when we are consistently mindful to adopt an attitude of even-mindedness regardless of our experience, we remain balanced.

In the afternoon of 15 May, over 150 devotees learnt about the Significance of Wesak and declared their refuge in the Mass Taking Refuge Ceremony with the blessings of Sangha members.  The Venerable Sangha members encouraged everyone to hone our mindfulness and protect our virtues so that we bring no harm to ourselves and others.

The Buddha Day Observance concluded with “Night of Togetherness in Dhamma” on FB LIVE.  The programme featured a Dhamma teaching by Ven. Dr. S. Pemaratana, offering of lights, making noble aspirations, and other special productions.

We thank everyone for joining and supporting this year’s Buddha Day Observance at Nalanda.  With great reverence for our Great Teacher, let us continue to honour Him by learning, practising and reflecting upon the Dhamma.  Sadhu anumodana to all, and may the Buddha-Sāsana long endure!

In the Buddha Day message delivered by Sis. Buddhini Tan, President, she reminded us to forge ahead even when times are bleak because conditions are ever changing and impermanent.

Achariya Tan Siang Chye explains that hope blends with courage well because it keeps our mind focused and aligned towards the goals we have set.

Nalanda Youths present the song ‘Compassion’ in honour of our Enlightened Teacher, the Buddha.

Dhamma School facilitators and students bring visitors through the Buddha Jayanti Exhibition.

Many devotees visited the Mental Health Screening to participate in a simple questionnaire and have their stress and anxiety levels tested.

Volunteers were on-hand to guide our visitors, young or old, around Nalanda Centre. Here, Bro. Alex explained to the children how we pay respect to the Three Jewels.

Many devotees found the talk given by Sis. Buddhini on the significance of Wesak (in English) useful before taking part in the Mass Taking Refuge Ceremony.

Bro. Tong Siong Yeow engaged devotees in the Mandarin talk on the significance of Wesak, held concurrently with the English talk.

In unison, devotees requested for venerables to administer the Three Refuges and Five Precepts.

Devotees obtaining the blessing string from venerable sirs, as a reminder of our refuge and to keep our Five Precepts well.

We thank everyone for their kind support, service and participation which made this Buddha Day a meaningful one.