Observing precepts and morality  

Observing precepts and morality  

Sis. Santi Cheang giving a talk on ‘Observing the 5 Precepts.'

Sis. Santi Cheang giving a talk on ‘Observing the 5 Precepts.’

On Sunday 24 April, Sis. Santi Cheang gave a talk on ‘Observing the 5 Precepts’ to participants of BPS 033 ‘Buddhist Practice & Devotion’ course.  She explained that Precepts form the basis of morality for Buddhists.  It strengthens our commitment to spiritual practice, and ensures a life of integrity and peace.  Precepts are observed voluntarily by devotees; they are not commandments from the Buddha.

Sis. Santi highlighted five advantages which come to one of good morality. “Five blessings, householders, accrue to the righteous person through his practice of virtue:  (1) Through careful attention to his affairs, he gains much wealth; (2) He obtains a good reputation for morality and proper conduct; (3) He has a confident deportment, without timidity, when approaching any society, be it that of nobles, brahmins, householders, or ascetics; (4) He dies unconfused; and (5) At the breaking up of the body, after death, he gains rebirth in a happy state, in a heavenly world.”  [Digha Nikaya]

Taking down notes for future reference.

Listeners taking down notes of the interesting talk for future reference.

When we observe the 5 Precepts and abstain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, and consuming anything which causes heedlessness, inevitably we can develop the qualities of compassion, respect for other living beings, truthfulness, and mindfulness – thus ennobling our own lives in the process.

We thank Sis. Santi for her interesting and informative talk.  Sadhu anumodana.

Group discussion on observing the 5 precepts.

Group discussion on skillful ways of observing the 5 Precepts.

A representative giving a presentation on what was discussed in her group.

A representative giving a presentation on what was discussed in her group.