7-week Annual Gimhāna Retreat begins 17 May

7-week Annual Gimhāna Retreat begins 17 May

Nalanda's 4th Annual Gimhana Retreat begins this Sunday, 17 May. All are welcome!

For the fourth consecutive year, Nalanda will hold its 7-week Annual Gimhāna Retreat from 17 May to 1 July.  Gimhāna Retreat focuses on one’s spiritual growth and personal transformation effected through the Dhamma.  During this period, everyone is encouraged to commit to 7 weeks of intensive Dhamma learning and spiritual cultivation.  Dhamma teachings and meditation sessions are arranged at Nalanda Centre every Wednesday, Sunday and Uposatha (New-moon and Full-moon) Day.

The theme for this year’s Gimhāna is ‘Being a Good Practitioner and Good Friend’.  Over the course of the Gimhāna Retreat, this theme will be further explored to induce a deeper learning and understanding of the Dhamma.  By reflecting on ‘being a good practitioner and good friend’, we grow with grace, wisdom and happiness, and lead more meaningful lives.