We wish the new Branch Committee a fruitful term in service to the community.
On Saturday 7 March, members of Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch gathered for their 7th AGM. The meeting at NEO Centre in SP was well attended by members, who discussed the Society’s development in 2019 and the plans for the coming year. The meeting was joined by Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn Chow, and Honorary Secretary Sis. Santi Cheang.
In the Branch Chairman’s address, Dr. Song expressed his appreciation to members for their efforts in providing Dhamma learning programmes to the community. He also thanked the Society for their guidance and steer. Members then nominated and voted for their peers to take up positions on the Branch Management Committee for the new term from 2020 to 2022.
Members were in high spirits throughout the meeting.
We welcome the Branch Committee for the new term.
The members of the Management Committee for the next two years are :
Chairman : Dr. Song Wai Leng
Dep. Chairman : Bro. Khaw Seng Giap
Branch Secretary : Sis. Ong Yen See
Asst. Secretary : Sis. Sumedha Lee
Branch Treasurer : Bro. Lau Yun Lee
Asst. Treasurer : Sis. Heng Sok Hoon
Committee Members :
1. Sis. Ooi Joo See
2. Sis. Hoe Pin Pin
3. Bro. Lee Wai Heng
4. Sis. Tan Hooi Leng
5. Bro. Fong Chee Meng
Auditors :
1. Sis. Chan Poh Eng
2. Sis. Chan Guan Yan
We wish the Management Committee a fruitful term and thank all members, benefactors and volunteers for their support. Sadhu!