Group photograph of Ven. Chi Xiang, Nalanda Centre Director Sis. Nandini, and the UPM undergraduates.
On Thursday 28 April, the Universiti Putra Malaysia Buddhist Society (PBUPM) meditation course came to a close for this semester. With the upcoming university examinations and long holidays after that, the weekly meditation sessions will only resume when school reopens in August.
For this term, the 35 participating undergraduates were ably guided by Venerable Bhikshuni Chi Xiang (持向法师) for a total of eight sessions from 3 March to 28 April 2016. We thank Ven. Chi Xiang, PBUPM, and the meditators for making use of facilities at Nalanda Centre for their wholesome programmes. We look forward to hosting them again soon. Sadhu!