At Nalanda Walkathon Today

At Nalanda Walkathon Today

The large crowd enjoying warm-up exercises, led by a fitness instructor from 'Fitness First'.

The air was filled with high spirits and determination when participants of all ages came together to support Nalanda’s “Walk for Education” in Taman Sri Serdang.  The walk was flagged off at 8am by popular radio deejay, Mr. Chan Foong.

This walk aims to raise funds to support Nalanda’s educational programmes by providing free courses, training, tuition classes and other beneficial services to the entire Malaysian community while promoting family well-being and social harmony.

Popular radio deejay, Mr. Chan Foong, flagged off the Walkathon with gusto!

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all volunteers and participants for their keen support.  Let’s cheer for the participants with a big heart!