“Some flights are delayed. But some flights never arrive.”

“Some flights are delayed. But some flights never arrive.”

Flight Information Board showing status of "MH370", at Beijing International Airport, 8 March 2014.

Article by Bro. H S Tan – “Reflection, 25 March 2014”.

Every day, at airports everywhere, many passengers feel annoyed when their flights are delayed. Time is so precious, they say.  Flights should not be late.

MH370 also did not make it to its destination on time.  In fact, it did not make it at all.  You see, some flights just never arrive.

When we reflect upon conditions in life, there are many things quite beyond our control.  Learn not to fret over ‘small things’, or to complain incessantly about our “misfortunes”.  Instead, develop the ability to contemplate wisely, and cultivate appreciation for even the smallest things in life – things that often escape us, or things we very often take for granted.

If time is so precious, as they say, shouldn’t we spend it more wisely being grateful, and cultivating this contemplative ability?

Some flights are delayed; I have no complaints.  Because I’m very aware, that some flights just never arrive.

Our hearts go out to the casualties of MH370 and their loved ones.  May they be at Peace.