Visit by Ven. Chang Zao of Dharma Drum Mountain

Visit by Ven. Chang Zao of Dharma Drum Mountain

Ven. Chang Zao meeting with Bro. Tan and other volunteers in the Management Office.

The Superintendent of Dharma Drum Mountain Malaysia (法鼓山馬來西亞) Venerable Chang Zao (常藻法师) came for a courtesy visit to Nalanda Centre this afternoon, accompanied by two volunteer officers.  They were warmly received by Sis. Nandini Tan and Bro. Charlie Teng, together with several other Nalandians.

The visitors had a 1½-hour tour of Nalanda Centre, Youth Centre, and Library before meeting with Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan for a dialogue session.  Bro. Tan praised Dharma Drum’s many beneficial programmes offered at their activity centres in Malaysia, especially the very uplifting short meditation retreats suited for urban folks.

The venerable sharing her thoughts on youth activities with Nalanda Officers.

Bro. Tan also expressed Nalanda’s gratitude and admiration for the Founder of Dharma Drum Mountain, the late Ven. Sheng Yen, for his profound Dharma teachings and writings which continue to guide and inspire many practitioners.

Ven. Chang Zao and entourage had a 1½-hour tour of Nalanda Centre, Youth Centre, and Library

Ven. Chang Zao was posted here as Dharma Drum’s Head of Mission since April 2013.  Besides supervising the Taiwan-based Buddhist organisation’s operations in Malaysia, Ven. Chang Zao is also responsible for Dharma Drum’s programmes in Singapore and Thailand.

We thank Ven. Chang Zao and Dharma Drum Mountain officers for visiting Nalanda Centre today.  We hope to organize a return visit soon to exchange ideas and inspirations in propagating Dhamma in Malaysia and beyond.

A group photograph at the conclusion of their visit to Nalanda Centre.