Serenity of Wesak at NEO Centre Johor Bahru

Serenity of Wesak at NEO Centre Johor Bahru

Venerable and devotees performing ‘Buddha Pūja’ and chanting on Wesak Eve.

Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ was joyfully observed over 3 days at NEO Centre Johor Bahru, beginning on Sunday, 11 May and ending on Tuesday, 13 May 2014.  On Sunday, devotees and volunteers participated in the pūja, chanting and meditation to prepare themselves spiritually for Wesak Observance.

On Wesak eve, many devotees arrived early in anticipation of an inspiring Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan.  Mettā-bhāvanā (meditation on loving-kindness) after the talk enabled devotees to calm their minds before midnight chanting led by Ven. W. Piyarathana Thero.

Offering lunch to Ven. Piyarathana in the Meeting Room on Wesak Buddha Day.

In the early morning of Buddha Day, the neighbourhood around NEO Centre JB was abuzz with devotees patiently waiting to offer food during Pindacāra (monks going on alms-round).  Back at NEO Centre, a Dhamma talk in Mandarin was delivered by Bro. Aggaphala Yap after the Wesak Buddha Pūja.  After offering lunch dāna to the venerable monk, generous devotees prepared food to be shared with the public in the first ‘Mass Food Offering’ at NEO Centre JB.

'Mass Food Offering' - serving free food to the public on Wesak Buddha Day.

Throughout the 3-day programme, devotees were thankful for the opportunities to practise respect, loving-kindness, generosity and devotion.  Everyone felt joy and serenity in a spiritual Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ Observance.  Sadhu anumodana!

Venerable offering blessings to devotees on Wesak Day.