NalandaTV reports on launching of Youth Centre

NalandaTV reports on launching of Youth Centre

Episode 8 of NalandaTV reports on the official launching of Nalanda Youth Centre on 1 May 2014.  The joyous occasion was presided over by Ven. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero, and attended by more than 200 Nalanda members and devotees.  The Guest of Honour was Bro. Goh Qing Song, President of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM).  Watch inspiring scenes and interviews with young Nalandians in this interesting episode!

Click on the screen below to enjoy the broadcast, and please SHARE it with your family and friends.  Enjoy viewing!


Credits to Producer & Chief Editor : Andrew Tan | Presenter : Sumana Lim |
Archive Manager : Gan Jia Cheng

Thank you all!