‘Samatha’ & ‘Vipassanā’ Sutta Workshop

‘Samatha’ & ‘Vipassanā’ Sutta Workshop

Sis. Sandy Lim representing Nalanda Institute to deliver the closing remarks after the workshop.

The ‘grand finale’ of the Samatha & Vipassanā Sutta Workshop series was held recently at Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (SJBA) on 5 – 6 July 2014.  It was the ninth workshop conducted by Venerable Aggacitta Mahathero since Nalanda Institute organised the inaugural ‘Samatha & Vipassanā Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop’ back in March.

To-date, at least 650 participants have benefited from the 9 workshops held in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang, Perak, Johor, Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore.  Participants found the workshops most helpful in clarifying doubts about ‘samatha’ and ‘vipassanā’ meditation practice, and were inspired by the Dhamma under the skillful guidance of Āyasmā Aggacitta, with proper learning according to the Pāli Canon.

Workshop facilitator Ayasma Ariyadhammika, interacting with participants during discussion session.

During the closing ceremony at SJBA on 6 July, the organisers presented Nalanda Institute with a token of appreciation as the initiator of the workshop.  A contribution was also made to support Nalanda’s Dhamma propagation efforts.

Nalanda Institute would like to record our highest appreciation and gratitude to Āyasmā Aggacitta for his tireless effort in conducting the nine workshops over many months.  We also thank the Buddhist organisations which hosted the course at their respective localities.  Finally, we rejoice over the efforts of participants throughout the country in attending the workshops. May all of us continue with Right Effort on the path to purification, and aspire for Nibbāna! Sadhu anumodana!

Ven. B. Sri Saranankara presenting a token of appreciation to Nalanda Institute as the workshop initiator, received by Sis. Sandy Lim.

Acknowledgment & appreciation –

We thank Bro. Andy Lim for taking these beautiful photographs, and Bro. Billy Tan for posting them.  Sadhu!