Inspirational Dhamma Talk in Langkawi

Inspirational Dhamma Talk in Langkawi

A group photograph with the President and members of Langkawi Buddhist Society after the talk.

On 27 June, Nalanda Founder Bro.Tan gave an uplifting Dhamma talk at Langkawi Buddhist Society in Kuah, where he spoke about the Buddhist perspective on ‘relationship’.  Bro. Tan’s visit to Langkawi came after a lapse of almost 10 years since his last trip there; hence the talk was very well received.

The local devotees had many good questions on the Dhamma for which Bro. Tan skillfully addressed.  Due to the warm response from the audience, the Society has requested Bro. Tan to give talks in Langkawi on a regular basis, in conjunction with his monthly trips to Kedah.  Sadhu anumodana!

The talk was very well-received by the mostly Chinese-speaking audience.