In Remembrance – MH370

In Remembrance – MH370

Let us generate thoughts of compassion for the victims who perished and their remaining loved ones.

Today marks exactly 5 months since ‘MH370’ vanished over the Indian Ocean on 8 March 2014.  The mystery of its disappearance remains unsolved; and the memory and pain of those who lost their loved ones remain fresh.  Since ‘MH370’, we have again been shocked by the crashing of a few other airliners in July, including another Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 – the ‘MH17’ – with a great loss of lives.

Let us pause in silence for a brief moment to remember all the victims, and wish that they rest in Peace.  Let us also generate thoughts of compassion for their remaining loved ones – may they have the strength and resilience to carry on with their lives wholesomely.  SOTTHI.