Close friends from afar came to help

Close friends from afar came to help

Bro.Tan and Nalandian officers sending off our Kelantanese kinsmen after the 'Family Fun Fair'.

During last weekend’s Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’, we were touched by our Kelantanese friends who came from so far by train, bus and plane to support the event!  An advance party of 8 devotees came to camp at Nalanda Centre for 2 days to help with the preparations.  And they did not come empty handed – together they brought along 2,000 pieces of home-made ‘tao pao’ (a local Kelantanese delicacy), 50kg of various fruits, and 300 coconuts!

On the event day, our earnest Kelantanese friends operated a stall to sell all those produce to help raise funds for Nalanda.  Nalandians are touched beyond words by their generous and selfless spirit!  Their presence and contribution have given us a great boost in morale and faith.

Our earnest Kelantanese friends performing various tasks and greatly helped out at the 'Fun Fair'.

After the end of the ‘Fun Fair’, our Kelantanese friends left for home on the overnight train, despite having worked for the better of 48 hours and tired from all those activities.  Indeed our friends from afar had brought us much warmth and comfort of spiritual friendship.  As our Founder Bro.Tan said at the parting, ‘Kito Kelate sokmo’ * – we are all Kelantanese (who help each other)!  Thank you all.

Bro.Tan with fellow Kelantanese - (from left) Bro. Lee, Sis. Visakha, Mr. Lee (who purposely flew in from Kuala Terengganu for the event), Mr. Loo, and Mr. Wong (the fantastic clown, also from Kelantan!)