Service Sunday with Charlie Chia

Service Sunday with Charlie Chia

Bro. Charlie Chia delivering the Sunday Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre.

On Sunday 7 September, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for Service Sunday with a Dhamma talk by Bro. Charlie Chia.  After pūja, chanting and meditation, Bro. Charlie Chia shared about the way to be a happy and successful person.  One needs the conditions of good kamma, being in the right environment, and making the right effort to be ‘successful’.

The Buddhist attitude in facing the vicissitudes of life is to cultivate a calm, peaceful and positive mind.  Cultivating strong faith in the Buddha-Dhamma, managing changes through different phases of life, learning to let go, and understanding the ‘Four Noble Truths’ are essential lessons one has to master.  Devotees were appreciative of the sharing and the Service concluded with dedication of merits to all beings.  Sadhu anumodana!

Devotees listening attentively to the interesting talk on how to be a happy and successful person.