Final session of ‘Mettā Bhāvanā’

Final session of ‘Mettā Bhāvanā’

Participants listening attentively to the Dhamma teaching after practical meditation session.

The Mettā Bhāvanā’ meditation course held at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur every Thursday has entered its 8th and final week.  Bro. Tan will be guiding the last session on 16 October.  This course provides a wonderful opportunity for Nalanda KL Branch members to understand and practise meditation for spiritual purification.

Through Bro. Tan’s progressive and very clear talks, devotees learn of the meaning and nature of ‘Mettā’, its conditioning and gradual development.   There are also detailed teachings on how to sustain ‘Mettā’ within oneself to purify our thoughts and actions, and to eradicate the defilements of anger, ill-will and enmity.

Course participants are reminded to attend the last session of ‘Mettā Bhāvanā’ this Thursday at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur, starting at 8.00pm.  Come and be inspired by the timeless truth of Dhamma!