BPS402 – Interesting Group Presentations

BPS402 – Interesting Group Presentations

Participants creatively designed ‘crowns’ to represent the different kings of Cambodia.

On Saturday 15 November, students of BPS402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies Course were at Nalanda Centre to present their group assignments.  Seven groups were formed among the participants and the topic was ‘Expansion of Buddhism in South-east Asia’.

Each group presented the history of the development of Buddhism in the country of their choice and some focused on a particular era in the history of their chosen country.  Students spent much time and effort to research on the factors which contributed to the expansion of Buddhism and came up with interesting slides describing important historical events.  One of the group creatively came up with ‘paper crowns’ as props to represent the different kings.  Each group learnt from the presentations of other groups.  Invaluable inputs were given by the panel of lecturers comprising Achariyas Vijaya, Tan Siang Chye and tutor, Bro. Ānanda Fong.

The lecturers discussing on the presentations.

We would like to thank all the lecturers for their guidance and advice, Nalanda Institute Officers who ensured that students had a conducive learning experience and all participants for their diligent effort in learning.  Sadhu anumodanā!

Some light moments were shared during the presentations.