National Service Trainees at Nalanda

National Service Trainees at Nalanda

N.S. Trainees participating actively in the session.

On Sunday 18 January, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted the 6th session of National Service trainees for the first batch in 2015.  We had the opportunity to invite Bro. Aggaphala, a professional counsellor to conduct an interactive session with the trainees.

It was an energetic and engaging session for the trainees, with Bro. Aggaphala introducing aspects of the Dhamma that relate to their daily lives.  He also educated the trainees on how to face challenges with acceptance and learning when to let go.

N.S. trainees performing Pūja (offerings to the Three Jewels) with mindfulness.

The workshop was both engaging and interesting for the trainees.  We thank Bro. Aggaphala for joining us this session. Sadhu!

Trainees were delighted with Bro. Aggaphala’s sharing.