Visit by Venerable Ayyas

Visit by Venerable Ayyas

A group photograph of the venerable nuns at Level 4, Preaching Hall.

On Monday 2 February, Venerables Ayya Vijayani and Ayya Dhammadinna visited Nalanda Centre with a group of venerable nuns and samaneri for a familiarization tour.  The visiting venerable nuns were warmly received by Nalandian officers.  Sis. Nandini brought the venerables on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.

Sis. Nandini welcoming the venerable nuns.

The venerable nuns were impressed by the aesthetic design and peaceful ambience of Nalanda Centre.  We thank the venerables for their kind visit and wish them the best of health.  We also thank Sis. Tok Lee for arranging and facilitating the venerables’ trip.  Sadhu anumodana!

Sis. Nandini explaining the different divisions of Nalanda Buddhist Society.