Speaking English with Confidence

Speaking English with Confidence

Group photograph of participants with Ms. Yogesvary.

On Saturday 7 February, we were pleased to invite Ms. Yogesvary Alahakone, a Senior Lecturer from a renowned university, to conduct a one-day English course for Nalanda officers and volunteers interested to improve their communication skills.

Everyone listening intently to the explanations by Senior Lecturer, Ms. Yogesvary.

We were taught the correct English pronunciation by going through various reading exercises under the guidance of Ms. Yogesvary.  Our participants enjoyed the learning so much that they requested to have a follow-up course in the near future.  We appreciate Ms. Yogesvary for spending her invaluable time teaching us.  Sadhu anumodana!

Ms. Yogesvary reading aloud for participants to follow the proper way of pronounciation.