“Impactful Parenting” with Bro. Aggaphala

“Impactful Parenting” with Bro. Aggaphala

Bro. Aggaphala emphasized the importance of parents setting good examples to their children.

On Sunday 1 March, Bro. Aggaphala gave a wonderful sharing on “Impactful Parenting” at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  He elaborated that the roles of parents in bringing up their children are to guide, share and to influence.

With right understanding about the nature of children, parents will be able to cultivate endurance in dealing with them.  Besides encouraging children to do well academically, it is also the duty of parents to instill wholesome values in the children for them to handle challenges in life with confidence.

Nalanda Dharma School facilitators and students leading the Pūja mindfully.

Bro. Aggaphala concluded his sharing by emphasizing the importance of parents setting good examples for children to emulate, so that the guiding, sharing and influencing become a joyful cultivation as well.

Nalanda officers Bro. Choong Li and Bro. Willie leading the chanting with devotion.

We thank Bro. Aggaphala for the interesting sharing.  The weekly Service Sunday concluded joyfully with dedication of merits to all beings.  Sadhu anumodana.

Bro. Aggaphala guiding a brief meditation for parents before his talk.