Course on the ‘True Significance of Wesak’

Course on the ‘True Significance of Wesak’

Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama conducting the course at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

On 19 and 25 April, Nalanda Institute Malaysia conducted two short courses to explain the true significance of Wesak ‘Buddha Day’; the courses were held at NEO Centre Happy Garden and Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang respectively.

Course participants had an informative session discovering the true meaning and importance of this sacred occasion, by learning about the life of the Buddha and the preciousness of the Dhamma.  They left with joyful hearts and aspirations for a spiritual Wesak Observance.  Sadhu anumodana!

Participants enjoying the informative course with a healthy dose of Achariya Vijaya's humour.