Happy Teacher’s Day

Happy Teacher’s Day

Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes all wonderful educators everywhere, a "Happy Teacher's Day"!

Today is the official celebration for Teacher’s Day in Malaysia.  It is a day when we celebrate the best of educators and their contributions to nation-building.  Education is a major part of everyone’s life.  Education is not only the sharing of intelligence, but the transmission of culture and values.  Thus, a teacher should not just be a bearer of knowledge, but one who truly inspires her students to their highest potential of humanity.  A teacher should not just teach; she must also lead.

An inspiring teacher is one of the nation’s invaluable and greatest intangible assets.  And to the students who were fortunate enough to be educated by her, it means the whole world to them.

Hence, let us honour our teachers and educators in the most meaningful way – with gratitude in our hearts; with respect and kindness towards them; and with great attentiveness to their teachings.  Let us also aspire to be great students worthy of inspiring teachers.  “Happy Teacher’s Day”!