Ven. Siridhamma visits Nalanda Dharma School

Ven. Siridhamma visits Nalanda Dharma School

Ven. Siridhamma touring Nalanda House with Sis. Sugandha (middle) and Bro. Jie Sheng (left).

On Sunday 17 May, Nalanda Dharma School (NDS) was honoured by the visit of Venerable K. Siridhamma Thero, the Principal of Buddhist Institute Sunday Dhamma School (BISDS), Buddhist Māha Vihāra.  Ven. Siridhamma was warmly received by the Director of Nalanda Dharma School Sis. Sunanda Ong and School officers.

Ven. Siridhamma was brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre, Nalanda Youth Centre, the Library and Nalanda House.  He also met with Dharma School students to interview them about their learning experience at Nalanda.

Nalanda Dharma School students and parents offering lunch dāna to Ven. Siridhamma.

The young students prepared pancakes, eggs and other food in the morning to be offered to venerable.

After lunch dāna, Sis. Sunanda and her officers held a briefing session to introduce Nalanda’s Education Philosophy to Ven. Siridhamma.  The venerable was impressed with what he saw and heard, and said that NDS is held in high esteem by the Buddhist educational fraternity for its holistic approach to educating the young.  He also proposed a follow-up visit by the Māha Vihāra Sunday Dhamma School leaders to witness the effective programmes at Nalanda.

Ven. Siridhamma having a discussion with Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan on Buddhist education.

Ven. Siridhamma also had a fruitful discussion with Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan on Buddhist education development in Dhamma Schools.  We thank Ven. Siridhamma for his visit and we wish his reverence much success in his Dhammaduta work.

Ven. K. Siridhamma with Nalanda Founder Bro.Tan, Director of Nalanda Dharma School Sis. Sunanda Ong (left), and Director of Pustaka Nalanda Bro. Ananda Fong (right).