Ven. Alokavamsa at Nalanda Centre

Ven. Alokavamsa at Nalanda Centre

Ven. Alokavamsa leading the congregation in sharing and transference of merits to all beings.

Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Indonesian venerable Bhikkhu U Alokavamsa for a short stay from 13 to 15 June.  Ven. Alokavamsa is a practitioner at Pa-Auk Meditation Centre in Myanmar, and transited for two nights at Nalanda Centre providing the privilege for Nalandians to offer dāna to venerable.  We wish venerable the best of health and much spiritual progress.  We also thank all devotees for your kindness and hospitality to Ven. Alokavamsa.  Sadhu anumodana.

On behalf of all devotees, Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan inviting Ven. Alokavamsa to accept the lunch dāna out of compassion. Sadhu anumodana!