First Anniversary of MH17 Tragedy

First Anniversary of MH17 Tragedy

Let us continue to pray for the victims of MH17 tragedy and their loved ones. May they be at Peace.

Today marks the first anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukrainian airspace, while on a routine flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on 17 July 2014.  All 298 people on board perished in the tragedy.  The great loss of lives from this horrific incident is still felt by many people.

Nalandians will observe this anniversary with a memorial service on Sunday, 19 July, at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  Our prayers for the victims of MH17 and their loved ones shall continue.  We wish them much strength, courage, and peace in facing this catastrophe.  Our thoughts of ‘mettā’ (loving-kindness) and ‘karunā’ (compassion) are with them constantly.  ‘Santi’ – Peace.