Buddhist Course in Mandarin

Buddhist Course in Mandarin

BPS 101-photos

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Nalanda Institute Malaysia is offering a basic Buddhist Studies course in Mandarin (BPS101) from 6 September to 25 October.  Classes will be held over eight consecutive Sundays, from 9am to 12pm.  The course covers essential teachings on ‘Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha’; the ‘Four Noble Truths’; ‘Kamma’; and ‘Wholesome Deeds’.

This FREE course is open to those conversant in Mandarin and above 18 years old.  Interested candidates may register through e-mail : institute@nalanda.org.my.  The closing date for registration is 30 August 2015, or when the course is full.  Enquiries about the course can be made at Nalanda Office by dialing 03-8938-1501.

May you be well and happy always!  Thank you.