Indonesia’s 70th Independence Day

Indonesia’s 70th Independence Day

Indonesia at 70!

Nalandians wish our Indonesian friends a joyous celebration of their Independence Day!

Today marks the Republic of Indonesia’s 70th Anniversary of Independence.  The vast country founded in 1945 at the end of World War II has come a long way since.  Indonesia today has succeeded in many aspects of nation-building, mainly due to its unifying philosophy of inclusiveness of all her people – the principle of ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ (unity in diversity).  This philosophy of inclusiveness, fairness and parity between races has forged a shared identity amongst Indonesians, defined by a national language, ethnic harmony, religious pluralism and tolerance.

For centuries, Indonesia has been shaping the political and economic landscape of Southeast Asia.  The 7th to 11th Century Srivijaya Empire centred in Sumatra left indelible marks in the histories of Malaysia, Thailand, and Cambodia.  Indonesia has been an important nodule in the old trade route, as well as an influential centre of culture.  Even with her thrust towards modernity today, Indonesia is still very much in tune with her past, and celebrates the contributions of all ethnic groups towards nation-building.

On this special occasion, Nalandians would like to wish our Indonesian friends a joyous celebration of their Independence Day with unity and harmony.  We truly rejoice over your nation’s growth and success.  Dirgahayu Indonesia!