Visit by youths of Baha’i Faith

Visit by youths of Baha’i Faith


A group photograph with our Baha’i friends.

On Saturday 22 August, a group of youths of the Baha’i faith visited Nalanda Centre.  They were warmly welcomed by Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators and youths.

Sis. Hui Shien presented a brief introduction on the topic “What is Buddhism” to the youths.  The Baha’i and Nalanda youths then had an interactive discussion on their respective beliefs and practices.  The lively session created mutual understanding and respect.  The group were brought on a building tour of Nalanda Centre, where Buddhist history and culture were introduced to them.  Before departing, our Baha’i friends joined in for a short meditation.


Nalanda youth, Bro. Ajit engaging with the Baha’i youths during tea break.

Throughout the session, both groups were equally inspired by each other’s sincerity and friendliness.  We thank our Baha’i youths for visiting Nalanda.  It was indeed a joyous meeting of new-found friends!  Sadhu anumodana.


Youth leader, Bro. DiSheng introducing Buddhist history and culture to the Baha’i youths.