Nalanda Dhamma School Sports Day

Nalanda Dhamma School Sports Day


Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) Sports Day 2015 – ‘Naga’ House.

On Sunday 23 August, Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) organized a Sports Day at Kolej 11, Universiti Putra Malaysia.  The Sports Day aimed to promote physical well-being, and to strengthen the unity and friendship among the School members.  Nalandian youths with majority of them from the Alumni of NDS actively participated in the event.


Nalanda Dhamma School Sports Day 2015 – ‘Garuda’ House.

The Sports Day started with Captain Ball competition followed by ‘Ultimate Frisbee’ matches.  The competition between ‘Naga’ and ‘Garuda’ House was very exciting and intense for all matches.  It ended with a Draw!!!


‘Naga’ House vs ‘Garuda’ House in the Captain Ball Competition.

A friendly Captain Ball match between NDS facilitators, youths and students brought much laughter to the event. The Sports Day ended after the Prize Giving Ceremony.  Both Naga and Garuda House members shared the prizes.  All participants had FUN and it was indeed an unforgettable sports event!


It’s a Draw!!! ‘Garuda’ House Captain, Neville (in Red) and ‘Naga’ House Captain, Chan Yu (in Blue).