Full-moon Uposatha and Memorial Service

Full-moon Uposatha and Memorial Service


Devotees doing meditation to calm the mind before the start of the Uposatha and Memorial Service.

On Friday 28 August, besides the Full-moon Uposatha Service, Nalanda Centre was also filled with devotees who came for a special prayer and memorial service for Nalanda member, Sis. Ooi Sock Khoong who passed away peacefully on 22 August 2015 due to sickness.  Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan led the congregation in ‘Pūja’ (offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’) and chanting.  Thereafter, Bro. Tan gave Dhamma teachings to the congregation which stirred our awareness about the value of life.


Bro. Khoo leading the devotees in Pūja (offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’).

When people lamented on the passing away of their loved ones, we have to understand that people fared depending on their kamma.  As the French philosopher rightly said, “The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them”.  Thus, all of us must reflect wisely, and be grateful that we are alive.  With the human birth, we shall make much of what we have left with, and go all out, spirited, to contribute for the well-being of oneself and others.


Bro. Tan leading the congregation in chanting.

Besides Bro. Tan also reminded all of us that not by rituals, but by doing service and performing meritorious deeds, that we can help our departed ones.  With the merits accrued from doing meditation and listening to Dhamma teachings, we dedicated and transferred merits to the late Sis. Sock Khoong as well as our departed relatives and friends.


Bro. Tan reminded all of us that not by rituals, but by doing service and performing meritorious deeds, that we can help our departed ones.

Note :
‘Pattidāna’, dedication of Merits is a Buddhist practice whereby one performs a noble, meritorious deed in kind memory of one’s departed relatives.  One performs such wholesome deeds in honour of loved ones who had passed away by thinking: “Idam me ñātinam hotu, sukhitā hontu ñātayo.” – “Let this merit accrue to my departed relatives; may they be happy!”  (Excerpt from Bro. Tan’s Dhamma Teaching on 29 March 2014.)

Bro. Khoo and daughters performing the transference of merits to the late Sis. Sock Khoong. May she be happy.