Alms-Round in Sri Petaling & Happy Garden

Alms-Round in Sri Petaling & Happy Garden


Devotees offering food respectfully.

On Saturday 5 September, the monthly educational ‘Pindacara’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets was held with two venerable Sangha members going on alms-round.  Devotees and members of the public waited patiently along the ‘Pindacara’ route, for the venerable monks to arrive and joyfully offered alms food.

Some devotees enrolled as volunteers to be of service in Nalanda’s future programmes, while some parents also enquired about the Dhamma classes at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur.  Nalandians then took the opportunity to share about ‘Wisdom Park’ Project.


Devotees waiting patiently in line to offer food to the venerable monks.

After the alms-round, Director of Nalanda Dhamma School Sis. Sunanda Ong gave a Dhamma sharing on recognizing the craving in our life.  We constantly seek to gain pleasurable things and avoid from unpleasant things.  Such cravings bring much suffering and misery into one’s life.  Practice of “dana” or giving out of generosity brings happiness to our life.


Devotee practicing generosity joyfully.

We thank the venerable monks from Sentul Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple, Sis. Sunanda, volunteers and devotees for your support and participation in this meaningful programme.  May the merits accrued be shared with all beings.  Sadhu anumodana!


A father bringing his child to be acquainted with the Sangha members. Sadhu!

Note :
The next alms-round will be held on Saturday, 19 September, 8.30am, at Seri Kembangan Jalan Besar market. We welcome everyone to offer cooked vegetarian food to the monks on alms. Thank you.

Director of Nalanda Dhamma School, Sis. Sunanda Ong giving a sharing on “Craving”.