Proper understanding of Devotional Practice

Proper understanding of Devotional Practice

Uncle Vijaya giving a lecture on ‘Buddhist Devotional Practice’.

Achariya Vijaya giving a lecture on ‘Buddhist Devotional Practice’.

On Saturday 26 September, Lecture 10 of BPS 303 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies – was conducted at Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang by Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama.  Achariya Vijaya explained the origin of devotional practices in Buddhism and why it was important to carry out these practices with wisdom and right understanding, and not just on blind faith.  He also explained the meaning of Saddha (faith) in the Buddhist context.

Diligence in taking down notes helps in the learning.

Diligence in taking down notes helps in the learning.

Participants from the Klang Valley and Kelantan (via video telecast) were enthusiastic in seeking clarifications for a better understanding of the subject.  Everyone looked forward to the next lesson on Saturday, 3 October.  Sadhu!

Fellow students listening attentively to the questions and answers.

Fellow participants listening attentively to the questions and answers.