Cause and cessation of ‘Dukkha’

Cause and cessation of ‘Dukkha’

Bro. Aggaphala giving Lecture 6 of BPS 101 - Buddhist Studies in Mandarin.

Bro. Aggaphala giving Lecture 6 of BPS 101 – Buddhist Studies in Mandarin.

Lecture 6 of the BPS 101- Mandarin Buddhist Studies course at Nalanda Centre was conducted by Bro. Aggaphala Yap on Sunday 11 October.  The topic was on the Four Noble Truths (Cattāri Ariyasaccāni).   Two months after the Buddha’s enlightenment, the Blessed One delivered his first discourse – the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta – to His first five disciples at a deer park in Isipatana, near the city of Benares.

The Buddha taught them the ‘Four Noble Truths’ and the ‘Middle Path’ (Majjhimá patipadá), which leads to peace, higher wisdom, Enlightenment, and Nibbána.  The “Four Noble Truths” is translated from the Pali term Cattāri Ariyasaccāni.  “Truth” (Pali, saccā) is that which is.

Group discussions help participants to understand the lecture better.

Group discussions help participants to understand the lecture better.

They are “Noble” because they were expounded by the Buddha, who understood them completely, and was freed from all suffering.  The Truth of dukkha, the cause of dukkha, the end of dukkha, and the way to the end of dukkha, do not change with time.  They apply to all beings everywhere.  We thank Bro. Aggaphala for his lecture.  Sadhu Anumodana.