Participants sit for examination in Kelantan

Participants sit for examination in Kelantan

Participants giving their full concentration on the examination questions.

Participants giving their full concentration on the examination questions.

The 26 participants of BPS 303 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies from Kota Bharu, Kelantan, are certainly an inspiration to all students of Dhamma.  Even though theirs was a distant-learning course, it did not put a damper to their spirits.  This was especially evident on Saturday 21 November when many arrived for their examination one hour early despite the wet weather.  A participant said that she had to drive more than an hour just to get to Kota Bharu Mettarama Centre where the examination was held.

The early birds did some quick revision, and some even managed to have last-minute mini-group discussions.  Before they sat for the exam, the group participated in the Pūjā conducted from Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang in Selangor, followed by encouraging advice from Nalanda founder Bro. Tan, via live video telecast.

Those who came early found time for quick revision and discussion before the examination.

Those who came early found time for quick revision and discussion before the examination.

After the examination, the Nalanda Institute Malaysia representatives shared their observations of the participants’ unwavering enthusiasm and tenacity in wanting to learn the Dhamma.  Some of them had even gone to Nalanda Centre to present their group assignments last month.  The participants all agreed that the BPS 303 course was just the start of a wonderful journey of ‘Pariyatti’, ‘Patipatti’, ‘Pativedha’.

Nalanda Institute would like to congratulate and salute all 26 Kelantanese participants in the BPS 303 Course.  Your spirit is truly an inspiration to everyone of us!  Sadhu anumodana.

Group photograph of the BPS303 course participants and Nalanda representatives.

Group photograph of the BPS303 course participants and Nalanda representatives.