Path to Wisdom and Happiness

Path to Wisdom and Happiness

Achariya Vijaya giving a Dhamma talk on the 'Noble Eightfold Path - the Path to Wisdom'.

Achariya Vijaya giving a Dhamma talk on the ‘Noble Eightfold Path – the Path to Wisdom’.

In conjunction with Nalanda’s ‘Education Day’ and Uposatha New-moon day on 11 December, the Chairman of Nalanda Education Team, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, gave a Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre.  Achariya Vijaya’s talk was on the ‘Noble Eightfold Path – the Path to Wisdom’.  He said we had two choices: we could either choose the ‘Right Path‘ which led to wisdom and happiness, or the wrong one which led to ignorance and suffering.

Achariya Vijaya answering questions from devotees.

Achariya Vijaya answering questions from devotees.

The Buddha taught that the way to end suffering was to practise the ‘Middle Path’, i.e. the Noble Eightfold Path.  It consists of eight factors which are grouped into three essential disciplines: (1) Morality (‘Síla’), (2) Mental concentration (‘Samādhi’), and (3) Wisdom (‘Pañña’).

Achariya Vijaya’s talk is a timely reminder on ‘Education Day’ for us to reflect on the Buddha’s discourse delivered to His first five disciples two months after His Enlightenment.  The Blessed One told them to abandon the fruitless practice of self-mortification, and indulgence in sensual pleasures.  Instead, He taught them to practise the ‘Middle Path’ which led to peace, higher wisdom, Enlightenment, and Nibbāna.

We thank Achariya Vijaya for his insightful Dhamma talk.  Sadhu anumodana!