Teenagers shine at ‘Cermin Hati’ holiday camp

Teenagers shine at ‘Cermin Hati’ holiday camp

Dhamma School facilitators and students on Dhammaduta mission in Kelantan.

Dhamma School facilitators and students enjoying their Dhammaduta mission in Kelantan.

Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) conducted its third holiday camp for teenagers on 8 – 10 December at Wat Sukhontharam, Tumpat in Kelantan.  It was a joint effort with Persatuan Meditasi Mettarama, Dhammarakkhita and Persatuan Peranakan Cina Kelantan (PPCK).

The theme of the camp was ‘Cermin Hati’ (‘Mirror of the Heart’) and it was attended by about 100 students.  The camp truly reflected the spirit of goodwill and “kalyanamitta” (spiritual friends) among the campers and organisers.  Besides Dhamma-learning, meditation, and outdoor games, the other highlights of the programme were a campfire and tea ceremony for the campers to practice humility and honour their parents.

Group photograph of camp organisers and participants.

Group photograph of camp organisers and participants.

Kudos to the NDS facilitators and students for their splendid effort in organising the camp and carrying out Dhammaduta work in Kelantan.  Many thanks to Persatuan Meditasi Mettarama, Dhammarakkhita and Persatuan Peranakan Cina Kelantan for their valuable contribution and cooperation in making the camp a success.  Sadhu anumodana!