Joyful first day at Dhamma School

Joyful first day at Dhamma School

Students and their facilitators having a great day learning and bonding.

Teenage Dhamma School students and their facilitators having a great day learning and bonding.

Nalanda Dhamma School had its first session of 2016 today with great zest, and packed with fun learning activities for teenagers and children.  The School now operates at 4 different locations – the Teenage School at Nalanda Centre, Junior School at Nalanda House Sri Serdang, Junior School at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur, and another Teenage School at NEO Centre Johor Bahru.

The Centre was bursting with youthful energy and infectious happiness as students and teachers enjoyed getting to know each other through games and presentations.  This year, the Dhamma School registered a 50% increase in intake as more space was made available with the timely opening of Nalanda Centre’s annex building.

Bursting with positive youthful energy.

Nalanda Centre was bursting with positive youthful energy today.

The ceremonial flag-raising to commence the school day.

Ceremonial flag-raising to commence the school day at the Junior Dhamma School.

At the beginning of the school day at 9.00 am, facilitators and students gathered at Nalanda House for the flag-raising ceremony.  Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn was then invited to ring the commencement bell on the first School session, and thereafter give the students some good advice.  This is an endearing tradition practised since the School’s establishment in January 2005.

Junior Dhamma School students learning happily.

Junior Dhamma School students enjoying their learning activities.

Senior student conducting games for the juniors.

School senior Bro. Heng Yii conducting games for the juniors.

We truly rejoice in seeing so many eager students entering the Dhamma School in 2016.  We would also like to welcome their parents and siblings for accompanying them to Nalanda.  We look forward to a joyful and transformational year ahead with the gradual imparting of knowledge, skills, values and Buddhist culture.  Sadhu anumodana!

Youthful energy and infectious happiness.

Youthful energy and infectious happiness.