Dhamma School Appreciation & Honours Day 

Dhamma School Appreciation & Honours Day 

Students receiving certificates from their teachers with respect and gratitude.

Students receiving certificates from their teachers with respect and gratitude.

On the last day of 2015, Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators, students and their parents gathered at Nalanda Centre for the annual “Appreciation & Honours Day”.  This was one of the most important events in School calendar as it was a day for everyone to reflect and rejoice in their effort and commitment to learning throughout the year.

School facilitators carry the challenge trophy and student certificates to the assembly.

School facilitators carry the challenge trophy and student certificates to the assembly.

The evening began with a procession of facilitators and students, accompanied by the sound of bells and rhythmic beating of drums.  In his speech, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan expressed his joy in seeing the development of the School over the years.  Both the enrollment and quality of teaching have been growing from strength to strength.  School Director Sis. Sunanda Ong reminded students not to take Dhamma for granted, as opportunities to learning it rarely appear.

Nalandians in high spirits after listening to an inspiring message by Bro. Tan.

Nalandians in high spirits after listening to an inspiring message by Bro. Tan.

Among the highlights of the event was the commendation ceremony where certificates, medals and prizes were presented to students in recognition of their achievements. This year, the ‘Dhammavijaya Challenge Trophy’ went to students of Naga House for their excellent performance.

Dhamma School teenagers putting up their performance.

Dhamma School teenagers putting up their spirited performance.

Facilitators performing at the assembly.

After the students, it was their teachers’ turn to perform!

Facilitators put up a great performance.

Facilitators putting up a surprise performance with gusto!

It was indeed an evening of joy and laughter at this big ‘family’ reunion.  We congratulate Nalanda Dhamma School for 11 years of success in educating many in the Buddha-Dhamma.  May the School continue to grow in love and strength for many more years to come.  Sadhu anumodana!

Naga House won the "Dhammavijaya Challenge Trophy" for 2015.

Naga House won the “Dhammavijaya Challenge Trophy” for 2015. House officers receiving the trophy from Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn.

Nalanda Dhamma School, 2015.

Nalanda Dhamma School – 2015 group photograph.