Dhamma talk in Karawang, Indonesia

Dhamma talk in Karawang, Indonesia

A group of young Indonesian Buddhists requested a photograph with Bro. Tan after the talk.

A group of young Buddhists having a photograph with Bro. Tan after the talk.

On Sunday 14 February, Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma talk at Vihāra Sanghamitta in Karawang, about 70km east of Jakarta.  He was there as a guest speaker at the invitation of its Abbess, Venerable Bhikkhunī Ayya Santinī.  The talk was attended by 200 devotees, and was held in honour of Venerable Ayya Sīlavatī’s 63rd birthday.

Bro. Tan spoke about “Paticca-Samuppada” – the natural law of conditioning and dependent arising.  The Buddha had taught His disciples that ‘he who sees “Paticca-Samuppada”, sees the Dhamma’.  Hence, that pivotal teaching is often regarded as the ‘essence of the doctrine’.  One’s success in gaining liberation therefore rests upon realising this sublime Dhamma.  Sadhu!

Venerable Bhikkhunī Santinī, Venerable Bhikkhunī Sīlavatī, and the organising team for the programme.

Venerable Bhikkhunī Santinī, Venerable Bhikkhunī Sīlavatī, and the organising team for the programme.