Countdown to Dhamma Living Camp

Countdown to Dhamma Living Camp

The working team has been meeting regularly since camp preparations began.

The working team has been meeting regularly since camp preparations began.

On Saturday 12 March, Nalanda Centre was abuzz with activity as preparations for the upcoming Dhamma Living Camp reached its peak.  For several weeks now, the organising committee and camp facilitators have been continuously working towards the smooth-running and success of the camp.  Hard work and high spirits have been the order of the day for the dedicated team of volunteers, who have given nothing less than their genuine commitment and joyful effort.

Camp facilitators in a training session.

Camp facilitators in one of their training sessions.

We thank them for their unfailing support and total dedication which is an inspiration to us all.  It is heartening to see the spirit of volunteerism alive and well in our community.  Sadhu anumodana!

Nalanda youths rehearsing a musical number.

Nalanda youths rehearsing a musical number.