‘Bhāvanā’ a fundamental daily activity

‘Bhāvanā’ a fundamental daily activity

Sis. Buddhini explaining the importance of mental cultivation.

Sis. Buddhini explaining the importance of mental cultivation in her Sunday sharing.

On Sunday 13 March, Sis. Buddhini Tan shared with us the importance of daily meditation as Buddhists.  She explained that practising Sīla (Morality) and Dāna (Generosity) alone were not enough as the Buddha also taught Bhāvanā (Mental cultivation) – leading to the purification of our minds through meditation.

Sis. Buddhini took participants through a short meditation session, giving  step-by-step instructions. It was a good introduction to devotees who are new to meditation, and a timely reminder to those who may have been neglecting their practice, the importance of mental cultivation.  We thank Sis. Buddhini for an important and insightful sharing.  Sadhu anumodana.

Participants responding to question from Sis. Buddhini on meditation.

Participants responding to a question on meditation.

It is a good habit to jot down notes and ideas when learning the Dhamma.

A participant jotting down notes and ideas during the sharing on meditation.