‘Life-changing’ experience at camp

‘Life-changing’ experience at camp

Bro. Tan conducting  an inspiring Dhamma session.

Bro. Tan conducting a total of eight inspiring Dhamma sessions during the camp.

The Dhamma Living Camp 2016 held over last weekend was a joyous and truly inspiring event which touched the hearts of all its participants.  Many even described their experience as ‘life-changing’, and were determined to establish a habit of daily spiritual practice in line with the Buddha’s teachings.

The eight Dhamma sessions conducted by Bro. Tan were eye-openers which gave participants an essential taste of Buddha Dhamma.  Participants saw with greater insight and confidence how they could “live in accordance with Dhamma”, and came to realise that they inherently have the potential for true happiness and liberation!  Sadhu anumodana.

"Campers" were upbeat and full of cheer.

The atmosphere at the camp was very positive and encouraging.

Sharing Dhamma knowledge and experiences during group discussions.

Sharing Dhamma knowledge and experiences during group discussions.

Mindful exercise outdoors for fresh air and relaxation.

Mindful exercise outdoors for fresh air and relaxation.

The participants were divided into 12 groups such as Team 'Faith' for group discussion after each Dhamma session.

The participants were placed into 12 groups such as Team ‘Faith’ for group discussions and community-building activities.

A group photo of some of the participants with Bro. Tan.

A group of joyful participants with Bro. Tan at the Chin Swee Caves Temple.